Tuesday, January 27, 2009

5 Reasons Why The Timing Of Your Marketing Email Impacts Your Sales

When should you send your Ezine for optimal ROI?

It is a question that every business has to consider, but what is the answer? According to the Ezine Editors and Publishers Association, NEPA, over the last three years companies have sent their Ezines and email marketing pieces on three main days of the week; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Tuesday was the most popular day of the week with 23.6% and Wednesday came in second with 22.7%.

What does this mean for your business?

Should you go against the grain and send your ezine out on a Monday or Friday? Probably not, but consider your clientele first. Business to business Ezines traditionally do not fare well on Monday because it is the primary meeting day for most executives and decision makers and Friday is ineffective because many people are simply on their way out the door.

If on the other hand, you’re marketing to consumers, then a Friday ezine has the potential to be effective because your readers would have the weekend to consider your information and offers.

Bottom line when considering the day of the week that your ezine goes out, consider your specific market and customers. If your clients tend to purchase on Thursdays, then test sending your Ezine to them a day or two before. It may prove to be the key to up selling or increasing sales on that day.

Time of the day is also an important consideration to sales. Generally, for mailing to business recipients 11am to 3 pm tends to be the most receptive time. An ezine received first thing in the morning may risk being deleted or over looked during the first morning rush and emails received at the end of the day are often ignored or put off until another day.

If, on the other hand, your know that your clients tend to put in full days and you know they eat lunch at their desks or they often conduct lunch meetings, than a ezine received right before lunch may have a good chance of being opened almost immediately.

Depending on the frequency of your ezine, you may also want to consider what day of the month you send your ezine on. If your prospects and clients tend to make purchases at the end of the month, then a ezine received mid month is likely right on target to assist them with their buying decision. Also be aware that your customer’s budget and budget constraints can impact not only their buying decision but ultimately their decision to open your email.

One last factor to consider is your competition.

When do they send their ezines? Do you want your ezine to be in your prospect’s in-box with your competitors or is it better to stand out from the crowd? That may be determined by your product and the volume of purchases. If you’re marketing a high end augmented product, you might want to consider beating your competitors to the punch. If however, you’re marketing a consumer good or service, then frequency of your message may be more important than standing alone in their in-box.

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