Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Multimedia Web Design Enhances the Web Experience

A good multimedia web design can make a drab, one-dimensional web site happening. Multimedia development is the integration of multiple forms of media such mean text, graphics, audio, photo images, animation, full motion video, data, etc. When all these components play together like a symphony, the outcome is very interesting and attractive. When such elements are incorporated in a website design, the site becomes interactive and appealing . But interactive multimedia development is quite complex, so the job needs a proper planning and a highly qualified team of experienced people each with a special skill set. Depending on the objective and the message that you would want to convey to your targeted audiences, you need to select the media elements to be used in the Multimedia web Design. While finalizing the things for the multimedia web design keep in mind that you don’t want to distract the visitors from the key message. Here is how you can go about the task of making your web site multimedia enabled.

Make an elaborate plan

Sufficient time should be given to understand the requirements of the multimedia development project. During this stage the aims and objectives of the project must be clear enough to avoid problems at the later stage of development. Also identify the materials and human resource that would be required to accomplish the project on time. And don’t forget to anticipate the difficulties and problems that might arise and prepare remedies for such difficulties. Good planning is essential to the successful outcome of any multimedia development project.


Before implementing an interactive multimedia web design development project it is very important to have a rough estimation about the costs. Keeping in mind the attributes and features to be incorporated in the project, the overall costing could be estimated. More the features, higher would be the price.


In this phase, the designing part begins where the web designers actually give shape to all the ideas and visualizations. Depending on the size of the project, its complexity, and the amount of cutting-edge technology involved, the designing team may need months to accomplish the task. The multimedia web site design differs according to the capabilities of the playback platform. Moreover the overall design is also affected by the software available in the market and its compatibility with various media forms. With the help of multimedia software, the multimedia developer design slide shows, product demonstrations, tutorials, brochures, movies, cartoons, walk-through demonstrations, advertisements, interactive photo albums and more.


For ensuring the quality of the multimedia web design project, testing is must. Here the performance of various elements used in the multimedia development process is tested under different hardware and operating system configurations. During this stage the designer can analyze the loop holes and rectify them.


In multimedia web design, the content of the site is published in two different versions. One version is published strictly with HTML codes without including the rich multimedia features where the users can view the content part. To view the other version, additional download time or a plug-in is required while the viewer can see, hear, and interact with the content exactly as it was intended.

However the success of a multimedia web design depends a lot upon the company you choose to hand over your multimedia development project. So choose well after proper research and due diligence.

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