Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Software Helps Parents Achieve Fair Child Custody Arrangements

Divorce is not an easy process to go through especially if children are involved. Apart from the emotional stress, the couples have to go through legal procedures to divide their properties and most importantly, to decide on who gets custody of the kids. Child custody often becomes the most highlighted battle between the parents.

Child custody can either be joint custody or sole custody. Joint custody allows both parents to make decisions in their child抯 life although the child stays with only one parent. Sole custody, on the other hand, refers to one parent having full custody of the child while the other parent only has visitation rights.

Custody arrangements can actually be arranged among the parents themselves without the need to go to court but still legally recognized. The litigation process alone can already cost you so much and the downside is that the children are caught in the middle of a difficult situation.

To help parents facing this trial in their lives and are having a hard time coping with arrangements, luckily there抯 a software available today on child custody visitation and support arrangements. The most popular is the child custody calendar. This calendar software enables parents to schedule and monitor parenting time with great ease. With a detailed schedule that includes specific time such as for visitation purposes, for instance, it抯 easy to track compliance of one parent.

A major benefit of this software is its ability to reduce a parent抯 legal expenses by thousands of dollars. This means that your lawyer can now do only his or her most important tasks in relation to your case resulting in lower attorney抯 fees. Know that the visitation plan this new software can create can already be recorded as a legal document. In fact, many legal authorities have been surprised over the very detailed report made from using the software.

Additionally with this software, parents can calculate well the child support percentages in accordance to the legally correct amount plus it creates a printout report to prove the figures are indeed accurate. What抯 great about this as well is that the printouts are really meant to be used in court and are actually used by lawyers themselves. The child support amount is normally calculated using variations of time-share/overnights and with this tool, one can calculate the exact number of days and nights.

Another advantage seen here is that for visitation rights, parents can decide and agree fairly when using the custody calendar software. If only both parties talk it out in a calm manner with this useful tool on hand, negotiating for child custody on ordinary days and special holidays will be much easier and faster.

Preparing for negotiations is highly important when involved in any legal battle. Fortunately, there抯 this new software that every divorced parent can utilize to organize and print out pertinent information for presentation to the other party. This low cost and downloadable child custody calendar software has been proven very effective by many divorced parents. They are happy over the less stressful discussions with their ex-spouses after using the tool.

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