Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can You Provide Custom Writing?

Sound Like You?

Working day in and day out as a scientist at Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) requires you to spend much of your waking hours accessing the left hemisphere of your brain. Although it may be a very rewarding career based on years of academic study, you retire each evening feeling a desire for something more. Perhaps you should spend a bit more time accessing the right side of your brain; the side that tickles the senses by converting black and white into vibrant colors. Your artistic gift is custom writing and you do it because you have been blessed with a keen ability to create art using symbols on a keyboard. Something Brought You Here

You probably did not land on this page because the planets aligned or you web browser randomly directed you here. You may, however, be completely surprised that you are reading an article that asks you to consider working for a custom writing service. Whether you were brought to us by God, fate, or your own internal compass, understand that we appreciate your visit. Perhaps as you read on you may see yourself as a valued member of our editorial team.

What We Do

Simply put we serve those who seek custom writing because they are artistically challenged using quill and ink. Others are gifted writers themselves but have identified other priorities that restrict available time. If you have the ability to interpret a client's thoughts (using their short detailed instructions), apply them to accepted written language (think The Elements of Style), and deliver quick raving fan service this job may be for you. Our clients usually order reports, custom term papers, and business articles based on four day deadlines. Beyond that, editors who check our project queue frequently tend to snatch up high-paying jobs that are needed sooner. They can also find opportunities working with a Master's or Doctoral candidates and help develop a thesis.

We don't subscribe to plagiarism and don't support it by submitting the work that a college student needs to complete on their own. We simply teach writing as an art by providing our clients with spotless and thoughtful products to use as reference material.

What We Require of You

You are probably too familiar with the fact that the custom writing market is quite saturated and competitive. We separate ourselves by being value driven and by operating using the highest standards possible. Inasmuch, we only work with editors who are willing to make a solid commitment to reflecting these attributes. Foremost, we value top-tier customer service to our clients! Beyond that we place high importance on speedy delivery, impeccable and precise colorful products, and project follow-through.

Please note we only contract with native English speakers/writers residing in the English speaking countries. We tend to be drawn to those who have earned degrees in two or more academic areas, while having English as the primary major. We have also historically contracted with non-English majors who have earned advanced degrees in business, education, engineering and the like.

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