Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looking After your Rabbit

Rabbits are increasingly popular pets within the UK. There are a large number of breeds, which range from the Dutch Dwarf weighing about 1 kg when adult, to the Flemish Giant, which can weigh more than 8 kgs when fully grown.Housing As the popularity of the rabbit increases, so does the number that is kept as house pets. However, the majority are still kept in a hutch.With such a large variation in breed size there is no ideal hutch design or size but there should always be sufficient space for the rabbit to lie at full stretch and to stand up on its hindquarters. A clean dry bed of wood shavings, hay, straw or newspaper should be provided and inspected daily to avoid the build up of any dirt that could encourage disease. A secure outdoor run is preferable, which will allow the rabbit to exercise and graze and can also be a site for toys such as tunnels or boxes. Rabbits kept outdoors should be in a well insulated hutch protected from wind and rain and sheltered from excess sunlight.Diet Rabbits are herbivores and have a complex digestive system requiring both digestible and indigestible fiber types.Fresh grass or hay should make up about three quarters of the diet and other fresh vegetables like carrot or cabbage can be added to provide some variation. Burgess Excel or Supa Excel is top-quality commercially available rabbit diets. Rabbits need access to clean water at all times. Feed and water bowls should be cleaned daily.Diarrhea Rabbits are prone to digestive disturbances resulting in diarrhea. This may be serious, and even life threatening. Probiotics such as protexin are particularly helpful in maintaining or restoring the normal gut micro-organisms required to digest food properly.Diarrhea often results in matting of the fur around a rabbits anus which can in itself be distressing to your pet, but is also a common cause of 'fly-strike' during the summer months. It is recommended that a preventative application of 'Rearguard' be used early in the summer to prevent maggots. 'Advantage' is a spot-on product normally used for flea control which can also help control flies and maggots. These products are available from your veterinary surgeon.Reproduction Rabbits become sexually mature at between 16-24 weeks of age. Baby rabbits or 'kits' are born after 30-33 days of pregnancy and litter size ranges from 4-12. To avoid mis-mothering or abandonment, the nest area should not be disturbed and the young kits should not be handled until they are weaned at around 7-8 weeks of age.Neutering Rabbits are prolific breeders and care should always be taken to avoid unwanted litters. Neutering not only prevents unwanted matings, but also can make both does and bucks less territorial and aggressive. In addition, does have a very high risk of developing uterine tumours if not neutered.Bucks are castrated from about 5 months of age. A general anaesthetic is given and both testicles are removed from an incision made on the scrotum.

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