Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why Spiders Are So Popular As Pets

Spiders can be really be amusing to observe. They move about quietly and are known to cope well in several types of environments. Maintenance is likewise not very difficult as they are generally clean and don't leave much clutter. These account for the growing popularity of keeping spiders as exotic pets. However, as spiders are generally seen as low-maintenance pets, owners at times fail to recognize that taking care of them is, in fact, not that straightforward. There are still many things to take into consideration. Thus, having spiders as pets as a result of mere influence of their popularity shouldn't be the case. You must also remember that, just like in taking care of other types of pets, a high level of responsibility is involved. If you are a first-time owner, it would be wise to choose those which are neither fragile nor treacherous. Tarantulas like Chilean rose, Mexican Redleg, and Costa Rican Zebra belong in this category. Their venom isn't very harmful but is instead similar to that of the bees. Strength of venom is one of the important things that you have to check at the very start of your search for an exotic pet spider. Mild venom may cause significant pain. Hairs on their abdomen are equally harmful as they may shed it in moments of threat and stress and may cause irritation and great hazard when they get into the eyes. You have several options but, in general, prior to acquiring any type, you have to check with your local government if there are policies regulating such. To maintain their suitability to become pets, you have to create a habitat that closely mimics their natural living environment. This need not be expensive or spacious as a simple terrarium may be enough. You also don't have to worry about giving them companions of the same species as they are usually not after socialization. By nature, they are also predatory thus they may just end up eating their companion even if it is a fellow spider. What you have to check is the enclosure as spiders are good climbers and they can easily pass through small holes or crevices. They may escape if their habitat isn't secure enough. Taking care of spiders indeed isn't that easy. They deserve respect just like any other animal. At the same time, you also have to protect yourself from possible harm that they may inflict. Overall, acquisition must be a result of careful research and consideration.

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